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Cathay holdings Official Site Conditionof Use

I. Statement of IntellectualProperty Rights

The domain names and corresponding IP rightsof "" and "", etc., are theexclusive property of Cathay Group Holdings Inc.. (herein after referredto as "Cathay holdings"). You may not use the domain names withoutlicense or similar domain names, icons, trade names, etc. to confuse thepublic.

II. Disclaimer

While Cathay holdings employs itsbest efforts to provide accurate content on its websites, it does not assumeany responsibility or liability for the accuracy, adequacy, completeness andreliability of materials and information included in or made available throughthe websites, and expressly denies any responsibility or liability for theerrors or omissions of the content, nor does it provide any expressed orimplied warranty, including but not limited to that of ownership,non-infringement of third party rights, quality regarding the content and safeenvironment for browsers.  The materials and information mentionedabove include but are not limited to texts, pictures, data, views, suggestions,web pages and links.

III. Rules on Repost

Intellectualproperty of all texts, pictures, audios and video on the websites without notices of sourcebelongs to Cathay holdings and/or related owners. You shall not repost, cite,annotate or make use of them by other methods without written permission ofCathay holdings.  Infringements on intellectual property of Cathay holdings and relativeowners will be investigated for liability.  Information from a thirdparty abstracted or reproduced on the websites are provided with notice of itssource.  In Cathay holdings' repost of a third party's content, itdoes not assume the authenticity and its recognition of the content, or anyliability for any infringing content of a third party.  To repost anycontent of the websites, you shall retain notices of its source and be heldexclusively liable for your repost.  Without the written permissionof Cathay holdings, you shall not copy, alter, distribute, reprint, play,display, perform the content, connect or transmit it with a super link, load iton another server, store it on information retrieval system or use it for anycommercial purpose, otherwise, Cathay holdings will hold you liable inaccordance with law.